Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Another Season is upon us

Basketball season is almost upon us, and I can honestly say that I am a happy camper!

Not only do I enjoy the extra $$, the physical workout and the comradely with "most" of my fellow officials, but I also enjoy that aspect of the game where I can/should potentially be able to make a difference in someone’s life.

A lot of officials can be heard stating, “Oh, I don’t do junior high, freshman/JV or CYO games anymore, just strictly varsity games”.  To this I say “to each his/her own”, but it’s bigger than that for me. 
Yes I have my share of upper level/varsity games (and I do enjoy the fast paced, more skilled competition and the challenges that come along with it), but I also make it a point to take my share of the lower level games, in which the kids usually aren’t as skilled at this juncture, but it gives the coaches, AND officials a chance to make a positive difference in possibly getting these young athletes to that upper level one day.

Now only if only some of the parents (that makes these games miserable for others around them, or worse yet, trying to live vicariously through their child) would understand that some kids just aren’t skilled enough to ever be a great player....but that doesn’t mean that child doesn’t enjoy the game, or can’t help his/her team win by consistently having a positive attitude, giving everything that they have and accepting their role on the team (limitations and all). 
 For those parents that get it, and attend the games and are positive win or lose….I applaud you!  For the others….well let’s just say don’t exhibit those traits that make you a $5 genius (pay $5 to get in and feel they know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING….aka acting a FOOL), because receiving text message score updates out in the parking lot is not nearly as fun as being INSIDE watching!! Hit me one time……..(insert whistle sound - C-YA!!)….LOL   
Thanks for taking the time to read the rhetoric in which I display my opinions.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Big 5.0 Milestone.....

In a little over a month, this guy will be reaching the milestone age of 5.0!

When I was 18, 50 seemed SOOOO old!

When I was 21, I didn’t even think about 50!

When I was 25, I can’t even remember what I was thinking!

When I was 30, 50 began to seem somewhat realistic because 40 was nearing!

When I was 40, 50 became the new 40…LOL

Now that I am on the cusp of turning 50, I am so VERY THANKFUL to have been blessed to grace this earth for 50 years!  I can honestly say that physically I am probably in better shape now than I was when I was 25-45.  YES there are days when I feel my age (after working out, then washing and waxing my vehicle…THEN working in the yard for hours)…What am I saying about feeling old…heck I probably couldn’t have even done that in my 30’s to be honest…LOL

They say you are only as old as you feel…well in that case, I certainly don’t feel almost 50!  My workout routine keeps me relatively healthy; having family & friends that loves and supports my efforts (although sometimes they get on me to TRY to RELAX) makes the transition to the big 5.0 much easier.  

I’m sure there are those out there that fret reaching 50....but God has blessed me to be here this long…why would I ever fret that??  Embrace & rejoice!


October 27, 2013….Las Vegas for the 50th Anniversary of the day John L. & Gloria C. Brooks welcomed their 2nd son.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Make up your mind!

I know it's been awhile since I've been here, but today I just need to vent/

One day you are posting all about your workouts, proposed workouts, getting in shape, healthy eating and the whole nine......and the next day you're posting about inhaling an entire deep dish Pizza Pizz....MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Next day you're posting about how good God is, how humble we should all be, etc.....the next day in your posts you're cussing like the MVP of the ignorant All Star game, and wanting to blast the man standing next to the man, standing next to the Man!!...MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!

One day you're driving the family van.....the next day you wanna be some NASCAR superstar driver, driving some big bright @$$ hot rod....MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

One day you're cool with people, the next day you don't speak to the same people...I GUESS you can just take your fickle @$$ on!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Emotional Rollercoaster kind of day..

Put LOTS of miles on the shoes and the Jeep this weekend…lol

Saturday’s AAU tournament in Michigan (early morning I might add), my officiating partners were kind enough to let me get my games in so that I could hit the road to Sandusky, Ohio to join my family & friends at the indoor waterpark.

Saturday was a strange kind of day on the court….the Ying to my Yang, then the oil to my water water, or whichever cliché that you’d like to/or normally use.

With my one partner, we roll through games seamlessly as we are almost always in synch on the court.  We have a ton of fun out there, but we are on our P’s & Q’s while doing so, and we make the necessary calls to keep the game flowing under control.

 Now my other partner on Saturday….NOT so sure bro was a “real” official (and the red font was no mistake)…lol   I’m pretty certain that he didn’t know some of the rules, had VERY weak mechanics, didn’t make any tough calls, and just seemed to be going through the motions for the most part.  So imagine alternating between the two partners for 8 straight games….I was in need of a few TALL ONES after that!!

After finishing up my last game (and telling my other partner NO on a couple of occasions that I didn’t want to do his last 3 games..NO THANKS BRO, I gotta go!), I hit the road and headed to Sandusky to the water park, sweaty, tired from being up since 6:30am and working in a hot gym, and just ready to relax.  An hour later I arrive at the hotel and check in, etc. and open the door and I’m greeted by my little one, who runs and jumps into my arms…not caring that dad is sweaty, in need of a shower, tired, or whatever…lol  She really doesn’t understand that her dad works hard in order to provide things like this for her, but at the age of 7,  she really doesn’t need too, she just needs to enjoy herself and let dad worry about all that…LOL.  But she said “thanks dad, this is so awesome”

 I was able to get a quick shower and headed down to dinner & drinks with my family and friends.  After dinner I changed and went straight to the waterpark to access the hot tub…lol  WHOA…. talk about sitting back and letting the day pass me by mentally as I held my feet and lower legs against the jets of water..ahhhhh!

AAU basketball has been and is still good to me and my fellow officials.  It provides an opportunity to work on our games/mechanics, to have fun, and to make extra $$, sometimes LOTS of extra $$.... Periodically I’ll bypass a day of reffing in order to do things like the waterpark, shopping, etc.  I know some wonder and will ask why I’m giving up a day of making $$....but to see the smiles and excitement on my family’s faces…THAT is reason enough for me!



Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My brother's keeper?

During lunch today, I walked over to a local establishment for lunch.  Upon exiting the establishment, a guy walks up to me and the conversation goes a little something like this:
Dude:  Hey can you help me out so I can go in here and get something to eat?
Me:  Sorry, I can’t help you out
Dude:  Psssssst ( and stomps off)
He walks away a bit then turns around and starts yelling at me “can’t even help a black man out” “MF’s think they too good for other N’s”, and some other crap that I couldn’t decipher.
Am I my brother’s keeper??  Am I obligated to give him $$ that I work hard for to help him get something to eat(or whatever else)  JUST because we are both black men?  Mind you, as I’m sitting in the establishment, I watched him walk out of the establishment right next door with a big @$$ winter coat on and it’s 70+ degrees I had a feeling of what he might’ve been up too, and the money he was asking for most def wasn’t going to go for food!

I am proud of myself for not turning around and saying anything to him while he was ranting.  For those that knew me a few years ago, that DEFINITELY would not have been the case…LOL

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Parental Agenda's....

As parents, we have many agendas in our lives..…work, relationships, children, hobbies, etc.  The past few weekends have led me to wonder JUST want some parent’s agenda really is.
Scenario #1 -  A couple weeks ago at the AAU tournament, a mother (who obviously had a child playing) had on an outfit that made me, and quite a few other’s I’m sure wonder just want her agenda for the day was.  The “mother of a child” had on a pair of spandex( not even Yoga pants) pants, tucked inside of some cowboy/cowgirl boots, the top was made of spandex type material also, and it wasn’t leaving a lot to the imagination either…and she had on one of those little short jean jacket things that women are wearing now a days.   What was her agenda for the day?? 
Scenario # 2 – Saturday’s AAU tournament site, a father comes into the guy with Red sunglasses/shades, matching shirt and jeans, and the brightest red shoes that I’ve ever witnessed..AND had on sooooo much cologne that I could smell it while out of the court.  What was his agenda for the day??
Scenario # 3 – Today’s AAU site, a parent is in the stands being obnoxious, ignorant, and frankly getting on  me and my partner’s nerves.  He’s berating his son in between trying to make every call for us officials.  I stopped the game and gave him is customary warning that if he continued, he would be removed from the gym.  Tough guy says something sarcastic….”whistle blast”.  LEAVE THE BUILDING SIR I manage to say without he proceeds to call us “Horse $#1t officials”…LOL  I politely tell him to keep in moving and to exit stage left.  What was his agenda for the day??  To embarrass his son? To make a total @$$ out of himself?  Or try to compensate for other shortcomings??...LOL

Friday, April 26, 2013

TGIF Old School Hip Hop Poll...

Kane                                                    or                           Rakim

Who ya got??

Public Enemy                                           or                          KRS One/BDP

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Remember Equality?

Please don’t get upset with someone for treating you in the same way/manner that you treat them.  That old cliché of “what goes around comes around” is still prevalent today, and probably will be until the end of time.

Some of yall believe in Karma, while others believe in the Golden Rule (do unto others…yada yada yada..), but I find it very amusing when someone takes offense to someone doing/not doing the exact same thing(s) that they have done/not done to/for that person.  Not sure why this is, but my educated guess is that they either have short memories, or feel somewhat entitled to the unequal treatment that they dish out…LOL   thoughts??

As I’ve stated previously, I feel that there is a difference between being vindictive, and having a LONG memory(in some cases and Awful Long…. Ginkgo biloba (is popular as a "brain herb." Studies have proven that it can improve memory)!!  
 Remember that :-)


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

All Aboard

Spending an entire day in a gym surrounded by basketball players, coaches, officials and fans/parents can be mentally taxing to say the least, so logically there needs to be some type of “get away/mental escape” correct?

 With the invention of the smartphone, you no diggity find that most officials head straight over to their seating area, pick up that smartphone and begin checking for texts, calls, Facebook posts, tweets, etc. (yep I am just as guilty as the next).  During an off game (aka..break, if you get one), it’s therapeutic to take off that striped shirt and whistle, sometimes even the shoes, grab something cold to drink and maybe something to eat and become just another person in the gym for a while, instead of being “that guy who made the terrible call on someone’s child…lol)

Someone recently asked me why some of us post photo’s on Facebook of each other officiating on the court……simply all in FUN, is the answer.  Yes it may be overkill/redundant to some, and I’m sure some don’t get it, or even care too for that matter…. but again, spending 12+ hours in a gym, one has to entertain themselves   Yes indeed we try to make this opportunity (I wouldn’t call it a job) as much fun as possible by keeping it light/joking. 

Now scheduling officials to work a camp/shootout IS a job/work…LOL.   Most officials understand the process and hold to their commitment, but then you have those that ask, dang near beg you to schedule them for games..then turn around and:
 a). Not show up

b). Show up, get on the court and do nothing but complain/whine…some to the point where the coach/tournament director ask you to NEVER bring that person back

c). Constantly ask you when they are going to be paid (if one is doing this strictly for the $$, WRONG place to be dude!)

d). Ask for X number of games, then want to bail on you before the games that they asked for are completed, then wonder why you don’t call them to work anymore(I have a LONG

e). This @#$% could go on and on as I’m assuming you are probably thinking right about now J


For most officials that I know of, this time of year FUN.  The ability to make some EXTRA $$( aka The Money Train…chooo chooo),  wear shorts  and not have to switch court positions on every whistle is enough to make the pay differential a non-factor (given that you usually work a lot more games in a day, and most pay you cash on the spot doesn’t hurt

 So take that class, get that license and hop on the Train (Alllllllllllll aboard!)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interesting Deception

Wolf in sheep's clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin. It is used to describe those that play a role contrary to their REAL character, with whom contact is dangerous.  Know any?  I’m pretty certain that you do, and they could be sitting/standing right next to you at this very moment…lol (talk about THAT awkward moment).

One can act as though one really cares, or speaks to things that one KNOWS everyone wants to hear at the present moment (aka Buzz words), but when they are behind closed doors and there’s nobody to “perform” for, I would love to be that preverbal  “fly on the wall” to really see how such a person lives with themselves.

 I have to assume that it’s not a very pleasant existence at all….…thus the need for them to go OUT and about and create unnecessary drama (Misery loves company) and to put up the facade that one doesn’t really care about what other’s think…but the moment someone says anything about them, they lash out and become the Wolf,  but neglecting to ditch the sheep’s clothing!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Today's Journey....

Today’s journey on my spin bike takes me to New Castle, PA. 
New Castle, Pa. was the hub of my family growing up.  So many family memories , back when families were just that in the true sense of the word.  From my grandparents big house on Mahoning Ave, to my uncle Bobby’s house on Harbor Rd and those mean @$$ horses…lol, to my Uncle Billy’s gas & service station on Washington, to the epic football games that took place in the back yard at the Sessions, to the numerous journeys at King Village at my Uncle Gerome’s.
Our family was/is large, and it would seem that everyone could fit into my grandparents house on Mahoning Ave.  My cousins can attest to how large the house was, because I can honestly say that MOST of us never dared to venture up to the 3rd floor…lol
I think today, my children haven’t had (and sorry to say and think that they probably never will) the experience that we did as kids, in terms of knowing their cousins/family.  We knew ALL of our cousins, and if one of the families moved, “we” would be there visiting at some point.  My two girls know a few of their cousins, but they are in awe when I tell them how many cousins I have, and can name each and every one of them…lol   I used to be afraid of my cousin Aldie, because I thought he was a  he’s probably 6’1” or 6’2”, but as a kid he was a giant to me…lol  I remember going to watch him play basketball when East Liverpool would come to Warren to play.
I remember my brother Kent, and cousin Keith were the most competitive individuals with each other that I have ever known…lol  That 3rd floor at my grandparents house that I spoke of earlier, I remember going up there ONE time with the two of them, and they were always faster than I was as a kid, and they took off running down the stairs and left me behind…YEP I still remember that fella’s…LOL  One never forgets a traumatic experience like that J.
I remember going over to the slaughter house and watching them march those animals in there…not know that one of them would probably be on the dinner table later than evening…lol
I remember my grandmother’s brother, uncle Paul eating chittlins, and trying to convince me to eat them by telling my “boy, just slap some hot sauce on that (can’t remember the word), but remember my grandmother Emily taking her spoon and poppin him in the shoulder and giving him that look that EACH and EVERYONE of my cousins knew, and would still know to this day if she was still with us…LOL
I remember my aunt Gail’s huge afro and bell bottom pants J
I remember Miss Hawkins that lived next door to my grandparents, and how nice of a lady she was. 
I remember my brother trying to throw a piece of wood with a nail in it..until he realized the nail was stuck in his finger…OUCH!!!
I remember the football games in the snow with our “uniforms” at the Sessions house (Kent, Keith, Gary, Steve, Chris, Mike, Me, Eddie and who am I forgetting?????
I remember having to go to the hospital to get stitches in my face(still have the scare to this day) when I was standing (yep before seatbelts and all of those laws) in the back of my Uncle Bobby’s car and he hit the brakes to avoid a train when the guards didn’t come down and slammed my face into the bottom of the seat.
I remember my grandfather placing a hand full of pennies in my hand as they were stitching my up and saying “boy you got all this money in your hand now, THAT should make you smile”.
I remember rides in the back of my Uncle Gerome’s pick up truck, cousins piled up in the back with NO seats or seatbelts…Try that today…LOL
I remember being terrified of my cousin Selina, because I always thought she was going to beat me up….LOL  Such a tomboy back in the say, turned out to be the girliest of girls…LOL ;-).
I remember LOTS of us getting to go to the Coney Island downtown that was such a treat back in those days.

Man, so may memories. I would love for my family to share some of theirs with me also.  YES I know there isn’t room on the entire internet for all of the memories that we had as kids, but still.
 As I ride/spin, today I prayed for New Castle, Pa, just like I do for Warren, Ohio, as my 2nd city is experiencing much of the same as my 1st.  Join me if you would, because if there was no New Castle, there would be no Me!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wise man?

As the AAU/Summer camps season rev’s up, I wonder to myself just how many of us do this JUST for the money!  Don’t get me wrong, if they were not paying, I’m pretty certain that I would not be out there sweating and blowing the whistle…but then again I do look at it as an increased form of paid workouts.

Recently I worked with a seriously overweight partner(and I'm being nice here), that I actually found myself feeling a little bit sorry for.  Normally (and those of you that really know me)….. I am of the school of thought that “you did/are doing this to yourself, so suck it up and make some changes”.…but I found myself doing a LOT more than what was required of me for an AAU game.  Overcompensating for someone else’s lack of mobility shouldn’t be my responsibility, correct?  Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t about to let him pimp me out there simply because he was struggling to get up and down the court…(YEP I forced the issue several times and made him switch positions/run/etc…but my heart was half going out to him and his feet).

A good friend of mine and fellow official recently asked me “are you a softer, milder Mark Brooks”?? "No, tell me it aint so"!!....LOL   I’m not sure it’s like that yet, but my outlook on some things has undergone a definite change recently.

-          Technical fouls were way down this year

-          Not nearly as many fans got the THUMB…lol

-          I’ve worked with individuals that I had sworn to NEVER work with again, and made the best out of it

-          I’ve passed on game opportunities in order to spend time with my family

They say with age & experience, comes wisdom…… I wonder if I’m wising up to some things J

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random question & thoughts

Random thoughts & questions… real rhyme or reason (wink) ;-)


-          Is it considered taboo for an official to ref an AAU game in full uniform?


-          One should probably avoid the drive through window if one has to open one’s door, get out of the vehicle to pay & again to receive one’s food…..JUST GO IN!!!


-          As an official, or in everyday work life, can you really work effectively with someone that you absolutely do not trust?


-          Just because you played the game, doesn’t translate into you being a good official….just sayin!


-          Ever told someone, “you’ll need me long before I’ll ever need you”, and have them ask you for help not too long afterwards?….LOL

Friday, February 15, 2013

Back soon....

The high school season is winding down, which means the AAU/summer camp season will be ramping up again very soon.  Lots of games, LOTS of material for the blog, and a few $$’s here and there won’t be bad either ;-).

Thanks to those that read this…. stay tuned for a more diverse version coming soon J

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Metaphor of life....

Basketball can be viewed as a metaphor of life...
In basketball, just as in life:

·          We have to learn how to get along with others/teammates

·          We are usually going to need assistance in some form or another to be successful

·         There are rules that have to be followed

·         Enforcers of those rules sometimes are good, honest people… and sometimes they can be the polar opposite

·         We can be successful/happy/ and win one day….. and the very next day we can fall on hard times/ lose/ or not be happy… but have to put it behind us, persevere and move onto the next game/day.

·          We should prepare ourselves, because at some point the game will end!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Can I kick it??

Can I kick it?......YES I  can, and most certainly did this weekend!

I don’t know what the deal was this weekend, but a few spectators & players were ceremoniously shown the exit/bench throughout the weekend.

Contrary to popular belief, just because “you paid your money” to get in, does Not entitle you to say what you want, yell at opposing KIDS on the floor,  or act as though you have no sense!

Player’s….never let it be verbalized that you think an official’s call was “weak”, because a Technical is a “strong” reminder that you are there to PLAY, and not to officiate!
Quick shout outs.....
To the guy from that school south of the Maumee river that yelled out, "Call it fair, freaking Homer calls".  It was such a pleasure to see the look on your face when you heard me tell the table that I lived in the SAME city as you did! Noticably silent from then on out...hmmmm (I don't really live there..but couldn't resist placing that thought in his
To the guy that was marched out on Friday night that asked me "what, did somebody embarrass you or something?", by the redness of your face and whole head, YOU sir, were the only one that was embarrassed marching out of the gym!
Hoping this week brings less drama!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Atomic Dog..

During my games last night, between two relatively suburban schools, the music played during warm ups and half time was hilariously right on time for me.  Gap Band (Early in the morning) Roger & Zapp(more bounce to the ounce), and George Clinton ( Atomic Dog..the long version). 
It was so entertaining to see the young high school kids dancing to old school music, while some parents are in the stands bobbing their heads, tapping their feet, and if I’m not mistaken a few were signing along.
I consciously was trying to control my feet from tapping, and shoulders from bouncing, trying not to make it obvious that I was sooo enjoying the warm up’s for once…lol  As referee's know, the period between signing the books and meeting the coaches is usually about 6-7 minutes, and is sometimes the longest, boringest period of the evening...not last night!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Public Enemy?

There are times when I feel like Public Enemy #1 (yeeeeah boyeeeeeee)…lol 

At times it seems as though some fans and coaches come into the gym with the notion to blame the official for any and everything.  Last night for instance, I’ve officiated both coaches several times in the past, so I guess that meant we were on a first name basis obviously.  I’ve never heard my name spoken/called as much, not even when I was in trouble as a youth…lol

It is MY opinion that some female coaches that are attractive will use that to “get a call or two”. Yep, I’ve seen it work on some men, so don’t act like I’m talking out the side of my neck here J.  Anyway, one of the assistants use to coach the  Jr. High team and would always give me a crap....foul this, foul that, you didn’t see this, you didn’t see that, etc.  I wouldn’t put her in the category of attractive in my opinion, but I guess last night she probably thought she was, and probably thought that it might work..  “C’mon Mark, you gotta give me a call sooner or later”....NOPE!

The other coach, I’ve done their summer leagues, scrimmages, as well as games, and he’s barking out my name also.  “C’mon Mark, you saw that”, “Mark, there was no contact on that either?”, you are getting the picture here I hope?  At half time I went into the official’s locker room and started asking Mark questions myself….LOL (joke).

The 2nd half begins with an older couple sitting at the top of the bleachers saying “Mark, you ought to be ashamed of yourself…ROFL.  I look up and ask “how do you know my name?”, the old guy smiles and says EVERYBODY knows who you are, they introduced you & both coaches have shouted your name for the whole first half! (Yep, I was the only person of color in the building also)

As the 2nd half progresses, there are some kids sitting courtside and asking (semi yelling) “Mark” why that wasn’t a foul, or travel, or whatever.

After the game, the Athletic Director comes over and says “Great job Mark, sorry about all of the banter from our fans”.  My response was simply, Thank you, I appreciate hearing that. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Men's League

I recently received a call inquiring if I would like to do some men’s league games.  For those of you that know me well,  I really don’t use foul language very often, but the first thing that came to mind was "BLEEP NO”!  Of course I didn’t spout that out, but I politely declined the offer and informed the person that my days of doing men’s league basketball were OVER!!

 I could probably go on for days and days with this topic, but I’ll limit it.

How is it that 30, 40, 50+ year old men can still BELIEVE that they are 17-20 again, when the body clearly shows and tells a much different story?  Has the talent that once may have resided inside been replaced with an overwhelmingly ignorant & vulgar vocabulary?  Has bitterness taken away the mindset & skills that once may have brought some of them cheers, scholarships, and even riches, or is it that thing called AGE?  
I've actually felt sorry for some of those guys that I officiated while doing men's league, hobbling up and down the court looking like they were running on hot rocks and broken glass (broken glass everywhere, people pissin on the stairs like they just don't  Sorry I digress) , and the smell of Icy Hot permeating so heavily that it makes your eyes water…from a DISTANCE!

FYI…..Age does NOT discriminate, accept it and move on J

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wish List

Just a few things that official’s wish that they were permitted to say during the game.  I thought this might be a fun one today.

To Coaches:
-       Shut Up!!

-       You call that coaching?

-       Really coach? You called THAT play?

-       Coach, you going to play any defense on that guy/girl?

-       What if I complained about your bad play calls?

-       Learn the rules!

-       Ohhh you think THAT was a bad call??, just wait

-       I have an extra shirt & whistle, want to come out and help me out?

-       I guarantee that I’m better at what I’m doing, than you are at what you’re doing

To Fans:

-       Tell me what the rule says on that sir/mame
-       Sit down and Shut Up! (I may have actually said something of the sort once or

-       Stop living vicariously through your son/daughter

-       Get in shape and get your license and come out there and help
Please feel free to chime in on this one, I’m interested to hear others.
Even if your not an official, or even know the game well, everyone most likely has a few things they would 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Aint got time for all that

Not sure what I was thinking back when I was scheduling games, but I wound up with five (5) games scheduled for Saturday. 7th, 8th, 9th grade triple header at one of my favorite “rural” schools, and a freshmen/JV double header 2 hours later (with a 30 minute drive between the two).
I arrive to the sight 30 min’s prior to the 10am start (which incorporated an hour’s drive) and walk into the locker room and there are two officials dressed and ready to officiate.  The AD looks at me and asks “why are you here so early, you’re doing the freshmen game right?”.  My first thought was UGH..I could have slept some more…lol  I take out my phone and pull up the text message exchange between the two of us, and I show him where he clearly says “ YES, I need you to do the middle school games on 1/5/13 also”.  He looks at me and says, “I’ll pay you anyway, but can these guys work the game?”.   NO PROBLEM on my end.  So I do the freshmen game which is pretty eventless, but the gym smells like an old house with a bunch of male cats…if you know what I’m trying to say…LOL
I leave there and stop along the way to grab a bite to eat before proceeding to the next school.  I get there and do the two games…LOTS of running up and down, not sure either of them were interested in slowing it
Sunday at my CYO games, was a completely different story.   I issued 2 technical fouls, 1 intentional foul, had to have a “conversation” with THAT guy in the crowd who thinks it’s okay to yell at me AND players on the opposite team (after my conversation with him…. SILENCE), a quick, one sided rules interpretation meeting/explanation with a coach on just what Traveling really is,  and had to deal with a player on a losing team wanting to “wait for another player in the parking lot”…
 Okay..this is CYO, c’mon son, it AINT that serious!  The parents of the player who the guy wanted to “wait for”,  ask if I could watch them walk their son to their car.   The kid was the smallest on the court, and they player that wanted to “wait in the parking lot” was huge.  So I’m standing at the door of the gym feeling like a Bouncer watching them get safely to their car and leave.
The Big dude proceeds to TRY to come back into the gym.  I stop the game and inform him that he is NO longer welcomed in the gym and to please leave the premises.  He asks me why he can’t come in, and I reply simply, “this is a No Bullying zone”..what I really wanted to say was “take your big sorry @$$ on and pick on someone your own size…OUTSIDE”… J.  He tells me that he locked his keys in his car and needed to wait for whoever… again you can wait OUTSIDE.  Then his coach wants to lobby on his behalf… Aint nobody got time for all that! J

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Whistle

The whistle can indicate an alert, attention please, to stop the clock, etc.  The whistle can also convey unspoken words/thoughts. J
My last game was a freshman girls game, and it was a very one sided affair to say the least.  So much so that my partner tells me that he blew a “phantom” whistle just to put the team on the foul line in hopes that they would actually score.  Not sure I agree with that or not, but I certainly wasn’t arguing the point that nightJ. 
The winning team is up 19-0 in the middle of the second quarter, and they are still pressing.  The other team is CLEARLY over matched, so I blow my whistle and call a foul on the defense (winning team).  The losing team inbounds the ball again and I blow my whistle again with another foul on the winning team.  The losing team inbounds again, winning team is still pressing and I call yet another foul on the defense (winning team).  The coach finally gets up off of the bench and tells her team, “ back it off and pick them up at half court” and gives me a look as if to say, “is that would you wanted?”  I give her a look back and a smile as if to say “Thanks coach”, all without a word said between the two of us…lol
The whistle can also be used to inform a coach/team that you might be a bit annoyed with them for deliberately not keeping the game moving. 
Case in point…during a timeout, the 1st horn sound indicates that play is ready to begin in 10-15 seconds and to break the huddle/timeout and return to the floor.  The 2nd horn indicates play should be ready to begin.  Teams should be on the floor and ready, and the official should be ready to put the ball in play. 

There are times when a coach tries to extend the timeout by keeping his/her team in the huddle after the 2nd horn sounds.  After being ignored a few times, I simply stand directly behind and close to the huddle and BLAST my whistle (and yes I use a very loud whistle…lol).  I usually get a few gas face looks, but we have to Keep it movin!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back to the grind

 It’s been 6 days since I’ve been on the court, and I’m ready to get back at it. The break was welcomed, and getting to spend evenings with my family playing UNO, Sorry, watching Kelsey play Angry Birds, etc., in lieu of driving on some snow covered country roads, or battling I-75 was enlightening in the sense that my girls are indeed partly a reflection of me (trash talking during games, is that me?? J).  I think I possibly could’ve received a few Technical’ s…LOL
I am also thankful to have my spin bike on the lower level of the house, so I could work out within the friendly confines of my home, and be ready when my first game of the New Year rolled around.  Nothing like old skool hip hop & House music while peddling a bike! J
Hopefully my fellow officials took advantage of a little down time also.

May 2013 be the best year ever for you!