Friday, February 15, 2013

Back soon....

The high school season is winding down, which means the AAU/summer camp season will be ramping up again very soon.  Lots of games, LOTS of material for the blog, and a few $$’s here and there won’t be bad either ;-).

Thanks to those that read this…. stay tuned for a more diverse version coming soon J

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Metaphor of life....

Basketball can be viewed as a metaphor of life...
In basketball, just as in life:

·          We have to learn how to get along with others/teammates

·          We are usually going to need assistance in some form or another to be successful

·         There are rules that have to be followed

·         Enforcers of those rules sometimes are good, honest people… and sometimes they can be the polar opposite

·         We can be successful/happy/ and win one day….. and the very next day we can fall on hard times/ lose/ or not be happy… but have to put it behind us, persevere and move onto the next game/day.

·          We should prepare ourselves, because at some point the game will end!!