Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Make up your mind!

I know it's been awhile since I've been here, but today I just need to vent/

One day you are posting all about your workouts, proposed workouts, getting in shape, healthy eating and the whole nine......and the next day you're posting about inhaling an entire deep dish Pizza Pizz....MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Next day you're posting about how good God is, how humble we should all be, etc.....the next day in your posts you're cussing like the MVP of the ignorant All Star game, and wanting to blast the man standing next to the man, standing next to the Man!!...MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!

One day you're driving the family van.....the next day you wanna be some NASCAR superstar driver, driving some big bright @$$ hot rod....MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

One day you're cool with people, the next day you don't speak to the same people...I GUESS you can just take your fickle @$$ on!