Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Mentor is defined as:  – 1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.  2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.

To me, a mentor is someone who not only helps to guide you through difficulties, but also teaches you the hard lessons of everyday life, while still being flexible & supportive.  Whether it be talks about parents/lack thereof, finances, girlfriends/boyfriends, sports, class schedules, officiating, being in the streets vs. in school, or just what are you are/aren’t doing with your life.

Reflecting back, I sometimes ask myself, “why did this young man/woman choose me as his/her mentor, or how did I all of a sudden become a mentor to this person or that person?  I have seen young men & women arrive on campus, naïve/lost/very immature, and leave truly grown professional adults. There are some that I wasn’t surprised at all that they have become functioning successful career minded adults, just needed a little guidance or some "real talk".  Some, well let’s just say even I had doubts in my ability to help, but God intervened and gave me the tools & wisdom necessary to make it work for those individuals.

For me, and many others, it’s not what you put into the mentor/mentee relationship, it’s the end product…when that individual sees that preverbal light at the end of the tunnel and patterns their respective lives accordingly.  When that knucklehead kid walks into your office for the first time, cocky, full of street smarts and lacking in the academic arena and on the verge of being dismissed from the university…..sends you a text from his new university showing a certificate with his name on the Dean’s List, a pic of him in his graduation robe, and his acceptance into Grad School……having him thank you and giving you credit for him getting there..THAT is what has made me so very thankful & proud to have served in this capacity to those that were either assigned to me, sought me out on their own, or just happened by circumstance.

It still makes me look around when I hear, “Mr. Brooks” (that was always my dad).  Mark, Mr. Mark, Big OG, Mr. B, Boss/Boss man are more of what I’m used to hearing J.

So to all of those young men & women that I have had the pleasure of working with over the years, I am and will always be very proud of each of you.  Continued success.... and remember when a young man or woman approaches you potentially looking lost/seeking advice, etc. to give back if/when you can, you know it helps!


Thank You!