Thursday, September 29, 2016

Just Gotta Love It When……

  • That person wanting to speed through the school zone is forced to slow down & do less than the posted speed limit
  • That self-important person has to admit he/she is wrong in front of the masses
  • When that “know it all” person realizes that they really DON’T know it all
  • That meeting is cancelled J
  • That person keeps saying the same thing over and over in a meeting
  • That same person asks a question that was just asked 5 min’s ago
  • When someone asks you for a phone number, and you have to take out YOUR phone and look it up
  • That co-worker doesn’t do their job, and nobody ever does anything about it
  • When that person uses a big word and can’t even tell you what the definition of the word is, and doesn’t use it in the correct context
  • When that person posts on social media with all kinds of grammatical errors, and probably doesn’t even know it
  • When that hour meeting turns into a THREE hour meeting!
  • When that person is always “going live” on social media!
  • When you have to work with/ref with someone you don’t like at all

There's really no rhyme or reason to this post (wink), except I'm sure you all have been there :-)

until the next time.....

Friday, September 23, 2016

If I don't push you, I'm cheating you!

I recently read a friends FB post that stated….. “If I don’t push you, I’m cheating you”.  (thanks Dennis Hopson)


I immediately hit the like button, as I agree with this in the arena of sports.  I then began to think about it a little deeper (anyone that knows me knew this was coming)…Hmmmm, this not only applies to the sports world, but also to the work environment, and even more so….. parenting!


If you happen to be one of those people that automatically gest defensive and salty because your boss/supervisor gives you feedback (hopefully in a professional manner), on how to  do something different/better/correct, then that person refuses to grown professionally in my opinion, and I’ll leave that right there J. #choices


As for parenting…there is and will be NO participation trophies in the Brooks household.  #TeamBrooks takes pride in pushing the Brooks girl to do their best in whatever endeavor that they choose to participate in.  Sometimes the pushing is minimal and not required at all…..other times there are stern words (sometimes several…lol), but followed up by positive interactions and explanations of why we are pushing them on this particular subject. 


I really feel that it is our duty/expectation as parents to NOT cheat our children in any way….be it sports, school, dance, chores, whatever!  Unfortunately we all see those parents that push, push, and push and never take the time to explain WHY they are pushing.  Some seem to think it’s okay to live vicariously through their children, or to push their children to goals that they may have set for themselves as kids/young adults, but never achieved.


Take the time to talk, but more importantly “listen” to your children….see what “their” dreams/aspirations are for themselves….then work with them (pushing them if/when warranted) to hopefully achieve whatever it is.  Very important to remember, it’s okay if they do not happen reach their goal/objective/aspiration, they are still YOUR child…be proud of YOUR child’s attempt(s)..…encourage YOUR child to continue to set goal/objectives…especially if they have failed previously.


Anyone that really knows me, knows I thank my parents & brother for pushing me to do well in school, for asking me if I wanted to be just “average” (YEP….I totally hear my parents coming out of my mouth with I talk to my… for encouraging me to play multiple sports, for putting up with the dribbling of the basketball in the basement for hours on end, for allowing my brother and I to destroy the garage wall for pitching practice (my brother made a strike zone square drawing on our old garage, and pitched so much that he blew holes in the side of the wall…dude could throw!), for the neighborhood friends and families that allowed us to hang out at each other’s houses, play in their yards, discipline/check us when we were wrong or on that path to being wrong.

Again, my opinions, no intent to call anyone out or offend anyone.  Of course if you are offended.....those that know me know exactly what I'm thinking....LOL

Thanks for taking time to read.....Out!