Monday, July 17, 2017

Art of Biting Your Tongue…..

Have you mastered the art of biting your tongue?  Or are you still a work in progress like most of us?  In today’s society, some feel that they can do and say what they please, with no regard for others (and sometimes for themselves).  Hard lessons are on the horizon! J

If you have ever received what you feel is a ridiculous request from someone, let’s say at work, what is your typical response protocol?  Do you offer some sort of resistance, or do you just go with it?

I believe we’ve all seen those Facebook post where someone is typing/texting what they REALLY would like to say/respond with, but ultimately changes it to the politically/professionally correct response.  I have to say, I feel that I have a knack for biting my tongue in most instances, but sometimes I too fall short. J 

It recently took me 6 minutes to respond to an email, because my brain simply REFUSED to let me bite my preverbal tongue for several minutes.  It took a couple of strolls around the office, down the hall, up the stairs, down another hallway, down more stairs and subsequently back to my office before my brain would allow me to type the professional response.  Clicking the mouse button to “send” the response was a struggle in itself!  I believe that my brain and fingers now have some sort of “beef” with each other…LOL  Oh well, they’ll get over it, hopefully before lunch time J.

As an official, especially with basketball, the art of biting your tongue is paramount to being successful in this endeavor.  Being a basketball official, I would have to say there’s really not a more difficult “training ground” to practice this art of restraint and professionalism.   YES, sometimes we all let a remark or two slide off of our tongues, whether intentional or by accident……and if you’re an official and you are claiming that you never have, just STOP that nonsense right now!....LOL 

Okay, back to the art of mastering this thing…….

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